Each month we showcase members from our lovely team – putting faces behind the great work we do here at 360 Digital Starters. Nathalie became part of our Design department in October 2018, moving from Florida to join us. We caught up with her to see how she’s settled into the Berlin experience.
Meet Nathalie!
Hi Nathalie! Where are you coming from and how did you end up in Berlin?
I grew up in Orlando, Florida, but I have some German and Puerto Rican roots in the mix. I ultimately moved to Berlin with my husband when I got this job, but we’d honestly both wanted this new experience for a long time and had actually been searching for lots of opportunities to work abroad. It’s a funny coincidence that I ended up in Berlin really, as I’d applied to a few different cities, but this is the one where my grandfather grew up.
Describe your US to Germany transition
Moving in winter was difficult. Florida is called “the sunshine state,” so you can imagine we weren’t best prepared for the icy temperatures! Not knowing German has also been a little intimidating, but I’ve already had so many new experiences, made friends for life and really settled into my new home. I also got extremely lucky when I moved, managing to find an apartment in just three days. Berlin is definitely treating me well.

What do you like and dislike about Berlin?
I was surprised about how much nature is in this city. In Orlando, there are lots and lots of large buildings with a few palm trees here and there, but in Berlin, there is a really great balance between city and nature.
Hearing lots of different languages every day has also been a real treat. I always thought that the U.S. was pretty diverse but turns out it has nothing on Europe! In our company people come from so many different places that I am always surrounded by different accents, different personalities, and different foods!
One thing though that I really dislike about the city is that everything is closed on a Sunday. Puts a lot of pressure on me remembering to buy groceries on the Saturday!
I also miss driving.
How would you describe our company culture?
Its really fun and open. We’re all friends here, which you don’t get in every company. That’s something we have that is very special.
For me there are two things which are important in a job – the work has to be interesting and the culture has to be welcoming. Daily interactions give me a better sense of belonging and there’s definitely a good balance here between social time and having your own space.

Describe a fun moment you’ve had at work?
My first day at work was before Halloween and we did pumpkin carving – such an American thing to do! I didn’t know anybody and felt shy at first, but carving the pumpkins together made me feel more at ease.
What are you passionate about?
Travelling is one of my biggest passions and having 26 vacation days per year has allowed me and my husband to discover the world together. Vacation culture in Germany is much nicer compared to the US. I worked as a graphic designer in Disney, which was great, but I didn’t have vacation days at all my first year - you had to stay in the company for a full year before you were given vacation days and even after that you were only allowed 10!
If you were an animal, which one would you be?
I would be a dolphin. They are smart, friendly and you’d get to swim and socialize all day long. They also develop lifelong relationships, which is pretty cool.
If you couldn’t be a graphic designer, what would your alternative dream job be?
I would be a pastry chef. I love decorating and painting cakes and making art out of food. The idea of making a wedding cake and decorating it seems really exciting!

What superpower would you love to have?
Teleportation. I’d love to travel around the world easily and be able to see my family more often. Plus, it’d be great to jump from place to place without spending much time commuting.
What would you do if you won 10 million euros in the lottery?
I would buy my dream home. I would continue with graphic design too - for me it is much more than just a job.